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Also, everyone who thrives at coding is able to deal with mind-bending levels of frustration.

This is the dividing line between people who can code and people who can’t. There’s this Hollywood stereotype that coders sit there just pouring code out all day long. Really what they do is sit there staring at busted code that isn’t working, trying to figure out how to fix it. This is one of the most Sisyphean tasks you’re ever going to do in your life. It’s not going to get any better, because the better you get, the harder the challenges will be. But the pleasure that comes when you finally get things working is such a narcotic jolt. Coders will chase that thrill over and over again. It compensates for those brutal hours of frustration. So this is a class of people who are just amazingly good at pounding nails into the floorboard with their forehead.

Clive Thompson v rozhovoru s Jennifer Ouellette